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Mēs esam atvērti sadarbоbai ar ārstiem un klinikām, kuras strādā vīrieša seksuālās veselības sfērā.
Kompleksa, kvalificēta, individuāla pieeja no sertificētiem ārstiem – androloga, seksopatologiem, urologiem, psihoterapeitiem.
"My penis is too small" How much can I lengthen it? (1998)
...In the United States 1 out of every 4 men are not satisfied with the length of their penis... Things have now changed. Now there is a new and longwaited for device from Europe called the "Andro-Penis". The Andro-Penis is a new device that is capable of enlarging your Penis to the desired length. All of this is possible without surgery and the results are permanent........
"For 3 more centimeters" ( October, 2001)
....The penile enlarging device of Andromedical is capable of enlarging your penis from 3-5 cm in length and 1 cm in girth . One of the most interesting findings of the research studies, conducted by Dr. Eduardo Gomez de Diego, is that age is not a factor that will deter growth. These studies also demonstrate that there is an increse in length and width both in the erectile and flaccid state.........
"..And after Viagra..."the penile enlarger" (December, 1998)
....the Andro-Penis® is based on 2 rings , one at the base of the penis and one in the glans. Both are joined by dynamic metal rods . These metal rods are regulated to exhert a traction of 600 grams at the begining of the treatment and 1,200 grams at the final stage of the treatment. The device must be worn 10 hours a day for a period of 6 months.
"Truths and lies about virility" ( May, 1999)
... Dr. Gomez de Diego has treated more than 1.000 patients interested in enlarging the size of their penis. This certifies him as an expert in Europe in such a delicate subject. In his experience, the size of the patient is of utmost importance to the patients. "After a penile enlarging procedure, i have seen many men with a smile on their faces at the moment of leaving our clinic. A larger penis increases self esteem,sexual desire and as a consequence a more pleasurable sexual encounter.
"Pleasure is not measured in centimeters" (October, 2000)
... to complete the surgical procedure, the patients must wear the penile lengthening device the Andro-Penis®. It consists of metalic rods connected to a ring in the base of the penis that create traction and stimulate growth. The device must be worn 10 hours a day for a period of 2-3 months....
ESSM 2007 Lisboa
10th Congress of the European Society for Sexual Medicine Hosted by the Portuguese Society of Andrology 25-28 November 2007 Lisbon - Portugal
ESAU 2007 Madrid
European Society of Andrological Urology and European Society for Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons are full members of the EAU Section Office 25 - 27 October 2007 Madrid - Spain
International Newspapers
La Republica - Italy
El País - Spain
Peyronie's disease: characteristics & treatments 08-07-2008
International Magazines
Men´s Health Singapore, Spain, Portugal, Grecia
Men's Fitness Russia, Spain
Cosmopolitan India
FHM Hungary, Spain
Playboy France, Spain
Japan Kenkou Journal, Nagano Times, Iryo Times, Bejean, Kengai, Syukan Iryo
" Vairāk cenntimetrus uz visu mūžu ar medicīnas aparātu AndroPenis® "
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