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Mani plāni uz atvaļinājumu 2016

Complete care product that firms and lifts buttocks and thighs, and helps counter cellulite! Body Stack curbs your urge to have a nice snack and enhances your natural metabolism! Gives dull and/or brittle hair the chance to be glossy, smooth and strong again! Nails helps maintain healthy and strong nails! Skin care and wrinkle reduction in one! Helps to preserve the natural beauty via skin care from within! Softens and nurses the skin after depilating the bikini line! Supports the capacity of the skin for colour synthesis! Promotes and accelerates the tanning process! Skin lightening for sensitive areas!

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Thightens Woman’s Intimate Zone
This special gel improves the elasticity of the vagina wall, and helps tightening it. You will soon have sex like your first time. By applying the gel once a day on the vagina and around the opening it will eventually become more tighten. ViaTight makes the vagina slimmer and keeps it elastic and flexible at the same time. After a couple of days you will notice that your partner can have sex with you like a virgin (again).

Content 50 ml.


'Like a virgin!'
Which man doesn’t dream of the sweet sensation to deflower his girlfriend in a wild act of lovemaking. Virginia gel brings this dream a step closer. And your partner has double the fun: let him apply some gel a couple times a week on and inside of the vagina. During sex everything will feel as titillating sensitive and tight as if it was the very first time again. He will be amazed, and enthusiastic with pleasure! This exclusive product is 100 % safe to use! 

Contents: 50 ml.


Renew your love life!
Many women (and men) have dreams of their love life to be as the first time. Not all woman are the same and some have more trouble than others with a widening of the vagina. Many times caused by having children. 2Seduce Female Tighten Gel makes your dream to make love as before come real. This special gel improves the elasticity of the vagina and helps tighten it. Surprise yourself and your partner and make your love life like the first time.
